Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Moving again?!

It's that time of year! That time when many military families uproot their lives to settle somewhere else for a few years. My family is PCS'ing the summer and I feel so unprepared! This is our fourth PCS so you'd think I'd be more calm, but no, I'm a wreck! In the past we have always stayed in temporary lodging until we've moved on post or rented a home. This time my husband would like to try to buy a home. We also have pets. Of course for some reason army lodging almost never accepts pets so you have to figure out what to do with them. We have a dog and 3 guinea pigs. I'm crazy, yes. They all must go with us though! They are family :) So, we have to find a place to move into right away. Not only that, we never have the army move us. We do a dity move which means we pack up and move everything ourselves. We make money each time we do this and that is worth it to us. We have a lot of work ahead of us! I am already planning. I make a list of everything that needs to be done and break it down into weeks. I feel better knowing there is a plan. I need plans! In the army there are no plans, everything is last minute. So, I make plans in my personal life as much as possible. Although this move is stressful, it is super exciting at the same time. I can't wait to explore a new area, meet new people, and decorate a new house. Mind numbing but invigorating... that's how I would describe a PCS! The link below is a great resource for those of us with an upcoming pcs move.

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